Bed Bug Specialists



The over the counter products are not good enough to get rid of bed bugs. Bug Bombs are the worst thing to do, they don't kill very many and they tend to scatter them. The sprays will keep the numbers down but won't get rid of them. Bed bugs reproduce very quickly once that second month comes and the newly hatched one can lay eggs it to late to do it on your own. You need to call a professional.

When we treat for bed bugs we do two treatments. The initial treatment and then a follow up treatment 2 weeks later. We use different products each time so they won't build up an immunity to the products. We treat all the rooms baseboards, furniture in the bedrooms and living rooms and behind the outlet covers if they are by a bed or couch or chair. The products we use have long residuals so they will keep killing bed bugs even after they dry, long after the second treatment. The products will kill any bed bugs almost immediately when sprayed directly on a bed bug, but it might take 1 to 3 days to absorb enough into there body when walking through a dried product. It is important to keep using the rooms after the treatments so any bed bugs that are deep in hiding will come out to get into our products. Two treatments is normally all we need to get rid of your bedbugs, but if you see a live bed bug 3 or 4 weeks after the second treatment call and we will come out and do another treatment at no cost.

There are things you need to do to get the house ready for our treatment. See the treatment checklist page. It is important that you have the house ready for us so we can do a good and thorough treatment. The better we can treat the faster we can get rid of your bed bugs.